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القرأن الكريم مترجم الى اللغة الأنجليزية The Holy Quran is translated into English

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◄  القرأن الكريم مترجم الى اللغة الأنجليزية   
The Holy Quran is translated into English
                                      God Almighty said in the Holy Quran
The Quran may pleased us, is there a reminder
 In a clearer sense, the Qur’an is not just a book of the Islamic religion
Which concerns Muslims only
It is a book for life as well
You will find it in this generous book
The whole story of life from the beginning of creation and since God sent Adam down to earth
And the beginning of life on earth and the history of all prophets and messengers, including Jesus, peace be upon him
And you will find all the scientific discoveries that the world is still discovering until now
It has been mentioned in the Holy Quran 1441 years ago
Some of these discoveries, which were discovered by NASA scientists many years ago, are the phenomenon of the split of the moon
Into two halves
God Almighty mentioned this in the Holy Quran 1441 years ago
Where God Almighty said
The clock approached and the moon split off
 Or split into two halves
When some NASA scientists read the Holy Quran and found this verse in the Quran
From the accuracy of the description in the Holy Quran, most of them embraced Islam
 There are many things in the Holy Quran, for example, the stages of fetal formation in the womb, which scientists have researched a lot until they received the information that the whole world now knows
All this is mentioned in the Qur’an 1441 years ago
You will know the stories of all the prophets in the Qur’an precisely. You will know everything about life and know how God created the sky, the earth, the mountains, the seas, and everything we see on earth. You will know the extent of God’s mercy and love for us all without exception, and you will also understand why God Almighty created us, what He requires of us, and how He reward us May God bless us in this world, and how can He also punish us, and how He will have mercy on us and forgive us
How did he create Paradise in order to reward the righteous, and how did he create Hellfire to punish the sinners with it on the Day of Resurrection?
I also hope that you know well and understand from the Qur’an itself, because it is a book that is considered in the law of life as a constitution for all Muslims, by which we work far from the constitution of our country. What is meant by my words is this is only one thing.
What you see on the television screen are killing women and children and burning homes. These are not Muslims. They are made by America and its allies, and they were fired by Muslims. They gathered mercenaries from all over Europe of different nationalities. Some traitorous Arabs also lured them with money and positions in order to destroy Arab countries and steal their wealth. I do not want to touch politics. Because I don't like her
But today I drafted the constitution for Muslims and what God commanded us for 1441 years, and we will continue to obey God until we die without harming anyone, because Islam is a religion of love, mercy and tolerance
And God Almighty said in the Holy Quran also and cooperate in righteousness and piety
Do not cooperate in sin and aggression
Great truth of God
In order not to linger on you
Today we offer you the Holy Quran translated into English
I hope that the translation will be good to show you the wonderful meanings of the Holy Quran
The Qur’an is a book that calls for meditation and the use of the mind
To ascertain the truth of everything in life
And meditation on the power of God and his greatness and mercy on us
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                                                   نتمنى لكم مشاهدة ممتعة                                                   
                                              We wish you a pleasant viewing                                             
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